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What it's actually like to fly in a hot air balloon
Push your boundaries to new heights, literally. I wouldn't say I'm not *not* afraid of heights, but it's one of those things where I'm...

How to get scuba certified and what it's actually like.
Would you dive 60 feet below the surface? Learn how to get scuba certified! Sharks top the list of things that I’m afraid of, so I never...

Pros and Cons of Solo Travel
Regardless of the pros and cons of solo travel, take yourself on the damn trip. Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel with people, but...

Let's debunk scuba myths and fears
Don’t worry about those damn sharks. It's just a scuba myth. I received my open water scuba certification one year ago in Bonaire. It’s a...

Honest Travel: Top Things To Do in Bonaire
Welcome to the island with more flamingoes than people. Bonaire is exactly what you'd think of the Caribbean without all of the...

I gave myself 3 months to try 3 new things
Skeet shooting in South Carolina? Yes, because I'm committing to try new things in 2023. During the lockdown almost three years ago,...

Are you a cruise virgin? Top tips I learned from my first time.
I went sailing solo. Here are my top tips for cruise virgins. Do you know who Richard Branson is? The mega billionaire who owns Virgin...

Top tips to actually enjoy Antelope Canyon
Do chaotic crowds overpower the beauty of this not-so-hidden-gem? Top tips for dealing with Antelope Canyon's large fan base. You might...

Honest Travel: Why You Should Do Disney World Without Kids
Excuse me...can you please pour some more of that Disney Magic in my cocktail? Enjoy the park perks without kids. I *technically* went to...

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